Bulk Mail
officially called Standard Mail. Class of mail for sending large quantities of similar items where postage is calculated on weight, shape, thickness, and quantity. Less expensive than First Class
Direct Mail
medium used to deliver advertising directly to postal addresses, including envelopes, self-mailers, postcards, flyers, and catalogs
First Class Mail
a more expensive mail service, designed to be faster
any item, such as a brochure, pamphlet, buckslip, or card, placed in a direct mail package
Indicia/Postal Imprint
postal permit information printed on objects to be mailed, and accepted by the USPS in lieu of stamps or meter marks. In most cases, the permit is preprinted on the carrier
Matched Mail
pairing a personalized letter with the address displayed on the outside of the envelope
pre-paid postage applied, via ink imprint, to envelopes, meter tape, and postcards
Presorted Mail
mail that has been sorted by address or carrier route in order to reduce costs of the U.S. Postal Service and thus create postal savings for the mailer
Reply Card
a card in a mailing used by the recipient to reply to the offer
a piece of direct mail without an envelope. Technically, this can include catalogs, booklets, slim-jims, folded mailers, and postcards. However, the term usually refers to a folded mailer
Standard Class Mail
the USPS delivery of direct mail promotions weighing less than one pound (formerly classified as Third Class)